Friday, March 23, 2012

The Best Way To Evaluate A College Is By Visiting The College Campus

There are many ways to evaluate a college to see if it's the right fit for you; but the best way to evaluate a college is by visiting the campus itself.  The first thing you must do, before you do anything else, is to do your research online - it’s free and you don’t need to leave home.  The College Board is a membership association in the United States that was formed in 1900 as the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB). It is composed of almost 6,000 colleges and universities. It contains comparative databases on all of them. You can evaluate every one of these 6,000 colleges and universities by location, size, major, acceptance rate, academics, athletics, etc.  After you’ve narrowed your search down to a manageable size, you can then proceed to the college’s own website. If you’ve already done your research and learned all that you can from the college website, then your goal should be to capture the mood, the vibe, and all the personal impressions and interesting facts that can only be gained by an in person visit. There is no substitute for the personal experience that is unique to you.  The buildings and grounds, the administration, the faculty, the students all have their own voice and impression to leave on you.  Visit the classrooms, the dorms, and the dining halls.  Talk to the administration, the faculty, and the current students.  Take photos and jot down notes.  You won’t remember everything you saw, heard, or felt; but the overall impression will help you make a more informed decision.  So, visit the campuses.  It is the best way to evaluate a college. 

Last Word –
If you do end up applying to the college you already visited, there is always a spot on the application where the question is asked, “Have you ever visited our campus?”  You will score huge points if the answer is yes!

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