Friday, April 20, 2012

Top Five Reasons To Attend A Community College

Why would you consider attending a community college over a traditional four year college or university?  Years ago, most high school students thought of community colleges as a ‘Plan B’, or as an alternative to the traditional four year college.  Now a days more and more students are opting for community colleges, for all the right reasons. 

Here are the top five reasons to attend a community college

1. Cost
Tuition for the typical community college is significantly less than private college and universities, as much as 50% to 90% less. 

2. Location
There is practically a community college in every major town.  Many students commute by bus or train.  There is no need to move across the country to attend a four year college or university.  You can live at home and save on cost.    

3. Easier Transition
Community Colleges provide courses for transfer toward a Bachelor’s degree.  The money you save on completing your lower level courses and pre-requisites for a four year degree is substantial. 

4. To Increase Your G.P.A.
If your grade point average (G.P.A.) in high school is lower than needed to gain acceptance to the college of your choice, then you can still pursue college level course work at community colleges.  Community colleges are open to anyone with a high school diploma or G.E.D. (General Education Diploma).  Once you have successfully completed your Associates Degree with a higher G.P.A., you can then apply to four year colleges as a transfer student.

5. Job Skills
Community Colleges provide entry level career training for those students looking to go right into industry and for adult students who seek professional development for re-entry into the workforce or advancement.  Most community colleges grant certificates that certify you to work in specialized fields such as HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning), computer technologies, paralegal, nurse’s aid, and more.

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